HistoricalPrices Add-in

A newer version is now available

Version 1.1b of the HistoricalPrices Add-in is available and we recommend that you upgrade. The new version fixes the "EmulateURL: Unexpected Error" message when requesting dividends and splits.

To upgrade, you will simply stop Excel then replace the current Add-in file with the new file--

  1. Click on the button below to access the upgrade. SAVE the file, do not OPEN the file.
  2. Locate the current .xlam file (Listed under Excel File->Options->Addins)
  3. Exit all Excel workbooks and close Excel
  4. Navigate to the current .xlam file, make a note of the name then rename it to something else
  5. Move the new Add-in into the correct directory and rename it to the original .xlam name

To revert to the older version, simply stop Excel then rename the files back to their original names.

Click here to see the changes in this release

Version 1.1a (Nov 2020)

  • Prevents multiple sheets being updated if Refresh Sheet is clicked
  • Allows for 10000 updates on PriceHistory on a single page
  • Turns off calculation for Refresh Workbook/All
  • Improved refresh button behavior–calculates only current sheet instead of workbook
  • Changed Refresh_Sheet callback to behave same as refresh Workbook and refresh All
  • Status bar cleared after all refreshes
  • Better error handling in refresh routines
  • Allows for “=” inside ticker symbols in the userform such as CF=F (Futures)
  • Allows filtering out of erroneous Sunday data if symbol contains “=” and FilterNulls set to “Yes”

Version 1.1b (May 2022)

  • Fixes the “EmulateURL Unexpected Error” message caused by Yahoo no longer using Cookie/Crumb authentication