About SignalSolver

SignalSolver is a digitally codesigned .xlsm Excel workbook which runs on Excel 365, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 under Microsoft Windows. Mac is not supported. Neither the VBA code nor the worksheets are password protected--you have access to the VBA project (some of our code is obfuscated) and you can add your own features and manipulate the data. SignalSolver can't gather any information from your computer. It pulls historic stock prices, splits, dividend and spin-off information from Yahoo and Morningstar. There are useful hyperlinks to the help system which is located on this web site.

Download SignalSolver

A digitally code-signed .xlsm file.
Size 3.725MB, (3813778Bytes)
Version 1.4d (May 2022)
CRC32 Checksum: C27E48E4

Having Trouble?

Google Chrome may block .xlsm downloads, even though they are fully digitally signed. If this happens, please use another browser such as Firefox, Edge or Internet Explorer.